Acerook Online Chess Tournament Setup

  1. Register for a account at

  2. Register for the ACE online tournament using the ACE registration system, making sure you put your lichess username in the “School or Team Name”

  3. Open the tournament Google Sheet. This can be found on the tournament info page. The Google Sheet will provide the player’s list, their usernames, pairings, standings.

  4. When pairings are posted, find the player on and challenge them to the proper tournament time control and correct colors. To find the player, go to the top right magnifying glass. Search for the username. On the lichess player’s page, you can find an icon of two swords crossing - that’s the challenge button. Challenge the player to the proper time control and colors.

  5. When the game is finished, the TD will gather all the results for that round. This will take some time. Please do not start another game, just like don’t start a skittles game. Subsequent round pairings will be posted in Google Sheet.

  6. Questions can be answered via twitch chat at (preferred) or e-mail at

The video below will hopefully clarify the above setup instructions. It can also viewed on Youtube: Click Here Editor Note: Yes, a very sleepy Brian did say the new tax date was June 15 in the video however the actual new tax deadline is July 15, 2020. Apologies!