ACE Online Tournament Rules

All ACE Online tournaments will follow the US Chess Official Rules of Chess, 7th edition, Chapter 10, Internet Chess Rules. This is available in a PDF version: Click Here

In addition to these rules, all ACE Online games will be subject to review for cheating, sandbagging, and other issues before the final US Chess rating report is submitted. Cheating will not be tolerated and actions will be taken, including but not limited to, suspension from all ACE events (club, weekend, online), lifetime ban from all ACE events, and a complaint filed with US Chess Ethics Committee.

Absent of an published rule, the TD will use rule 1A. Scope, which states, “Most problems concerning rules that may arise during a chess game are covered in this book. However, the rules of chess cannot and should not regulate all possible situations. In situations not explicitly covered, the tournament director can usually reach a fair decision by considering similar cases and applying their principles analogously. The United States Chess Federation (US Chess) presumes that its tournament directors have the competence, sound judgment, and absolute objectivity needed to arrive at fair and logical solutions to problems not specifically treated by these rules.”

Please note, these games will only affect US Chess Online Ratings (Blitz or Quick). They will not affect your over-the-board Regular, Quick, or Blitz ratings.